The Student Advisory Board
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Student Advisory Board Members!
- Tenaj Williams - Region 1
- Razvan Verde - Region 2
- Kainat Ali - Region 3
- Izabella Piatkowski - Region 4
- Conner Mattox - Region 5
- Landrie Bell - Region 6
- Clint Wilson - Region 7
- Nicole Ballagh - Region 8
2024-2025 Student Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Virtual via Teams and at the Patrick Henry Building, 1111 E Broad St, Richmond VA 23219
The Student Advisory Board will meet from 5pm-7pm on the second Tuesday of each month beginning in October.
Meeting #1: December 10
Meeting #2: January 14
Meeting Minutes
Meeting #3: February 11
Meeting #4: March 11
Meeting #5: April 8
Meeting #6: May 13
Final Meeting (in person) and Presentation to the Board: June 18
Apply Here
- APPLICATION EXTENSION – REGIONS 7 AND 8: Due to the impacts of Hurricane Helene on students in Superintendent Regions 7 and 8, the application deadline has been extended to October 10.
- The application deadline has been extended to September 30!
- You must be a current high school senior
- Be able to meet twice a year in-person or virtually
- Have a minimum 3.0 GPA

Frequently Asked Questions
The Student Advisory Board was established in 2022 by the General Assembly to provide student perspectives to the Virginia Board of Education. Selected students work closely with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and will play a vital role in ensuring that student voices are heard in the creation of policies affecting education in the Commonwealth.
The Board will be made up of eight talented high school seniors representing each of the eight superintendent districts (map below). These eight students will be appointed by the Governor. Board members can be students attending public, private, or homeschool.
- Meet at least twice per year (virtually or in person during the school year to discuss education policy issues.
- Board members develop a presentation to present to the State Board of Education from the student perspective on one or more policy issues.
- Engage with Board of Education members, Department of Education leadership, the Secretary of Education’s office, and other state leaders.
- Represent the interests of their community and peers at a state level.
The Board will meet at least twice a year in-person or virtually and present to the State Board of Education in Richmond once per year.
Perspective applicants must be rising high school seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants will be required to provide a screenshot of their unofficial transcript showing their GPA. The application consists of basic information and three short answer questions (no more than 150 words).
§ 22.1-9.1. Student Advisory Board Established
A. There is hereby established the Student Advisory Board (the Advisory Board) for the purpose of providing student perspectives on matters before the Board.
B. The Advisory Board shall consist of eight members appointed by the Governor, each of whom shall be a high school student who will enter senior year during the following school year and each of whom shall reside in a different Superintendent's region. Each member shall serve for a term of one year, and no member is eligible to be reappointed.
C. The Advisory Board shall meet at least semiannually in either an in-person or, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a virtual format and shall designate at least one member to make an annual presentation to the Board that includes analysis of and recommendations on matters before the Board or any other matter that the Advisory Board deems relevant.
Ms. Aly Buckner
Senior Policy Analyst
Patrick Henry Building
1111 East Broad Street, 4th Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219